Monday, June 27, 2016

Fairy Tales Can Come True...

One of the many beautiful things about loving someone is finding out their dreams. Not just the surface dreams i.e house, money, early retirement, but the dreams that began when they were young and full of imagination.Taylor’s dream was and is being a race car driver. 

A couple of weekends ago, I got to watch that dream take flight.
I am making a Film about him pursuing this dream so all the details of how he started this journey and what following your bliss looks like will be well documented. For now, here is a little visual story of the first qualifying rounds at Button Willow Raceway. He made it to level 3 in two days :)


Our accommodations for the Weekend. Any excuse to camp we usually take.

Living the Dream still involves Paperwork 

Favorite Number Acquired 

My DIY bleach shorts Debut (more on those in an upcoming post)

Tweaking in Between Racing 

Grateful I didn't have to drive this, impressed that he knows how to.

Finally...It Begins 

The Best part, That Smile 

Upon returning home, the work continues.  

Stay tuned for an update after the next Round July 16-17. 


  1. My dream living his dream. Well done, son.

  2. As, such lovely words and inspiring pics to accompany them! <3

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